Saturday, 18 May 2013

Sculpture in Japanese art

Sculpture in Japanese art  is not the earliest form but it is a long lasting art that has the most expressive way that people can express. Unlikely the Japanese island are poor in stone and wood so they couldn't express this art how they wanted because it was limited but they also used to work with clay, dry lacquer and bronze. they used to produce art from all these material the sculptures but they used to work a lot with wood.
The first sculptures  appeared in Japan in the began of 2200 BC. In the Joman period there was twist in the decorations because they began to make cover of clay in pots. In this period most of the work was made with clay and they used to make a lot of figurines so some used to say that they where dolls for children or pictures of Japanese details. Some strange sculpture in this period art the small figures with a hearth shape and a small circuit mouth.
Haniwa- made with clay
After hundred of years they still continued to use traditional material. One that had a lot of followers was the clay cylinders that where called Haniwa. 
This work where used to be made near the Japanese emperors and some important officials.These where used to be covered with dirt and used to be kept form being washed. They where simple shapes and used to be inspired from human or animal forms or even building and houses some times.

One of the most influence that was very important in the sixth century was the Buddhism.This religion began in India and Japan. By this many sculpture in this period had a touch of Japanese feel. These used to use wood, bronze, and gold material. Before they used to make also wooden status from trees. Mostly in this period they never used to use stone.

the art of japan: sculpture: history. 2013. the art of japan: sculpture: history. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2013].

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